Workshop Readings
List of readings and resources.
Current Events
[Radio] Climate change threatens the Great Plains, but bison may hold a key to resilience, NPR, (11/16/22)
Bison spread as Native American tribes reclaim stewardship, Bozeman Daily Chronicle (11/22/22)
No target set for annual Yellowstone bison cull, Bozeman Daily Chronicle, (12/01/22)
On the move, Bozeman Daily Chronicle, (01/13/23)
Yellowstone program makes largest transfer of bison to tribes, Bozeman Daily Chronicle, (02/10/23)
Activists decry bison 'hunt' north of Yellowstone National Park, Bozeman Daily Chronicle, (02/16/23)
U.S. to focus bison restoration on expanding tribal herds, Bozeman Daily Chronicle, (03/04/23)
Tribes get bison as they seek to restore bond with animal, Bozeman Daily Chronicle, (03/16/23)
After devastating winter, groups renew push to change
Yellowstone bison management, Bozeman Daily Chronicle, (05/06/23)
'Absolutely epic': Blackfeet release wild bison on tribal land, Bozeman Daily Chronicle (05/11/23)
YNP expected state to sue over bison plan, Bozeman Daily Chronicle, (05/11/23)
'The American Buffalo, by Ken Burns, welcomed in Montana, Bozeman Daily Chronicle, (06/22/23)
An opportunity to plan a better future for bison, Bozeman Daily Chronicle, (06/29/23)
New Path? Group proposes tribal confab to discuss co-management of YNP bison, Bozeman Daily Chronicle, (06/29/23)
Prior to the Workshop
Pedagogy and Framing
Gruenewald (2003). Foundations of Place: A Multidisciplinary Framework for Place-Conscious Education.
Kirkness & Barnhardt (2001). The Four Rs—Respect, Relevance, Reciprocity, Responsibility.
McCarty & Lee (2014). Culturally Sustaining and Revitalizing Pedagogy.
National Writers Series Video. An Evening with Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer (Intro to Traditional Ecological Knowledge)
Sabzalian (2019). The Tensions between Indigenous Sovereignty and Multicultural Citizenship Education: Toward an Anticolonial Approach to Civic Education OR Visions of Education podcast with the author
Sammy L. Matsaw: “Teachings from the Land of my Ancestors: Knowing Places as a Gatherer, Hunter, Fisher and Ecologist” chapter in Place-based Learning for the Plate (pp.73-85) Springer, Cham (will be available to participants as a PDF)
History of Yellowstone
Excerpts from MacDonald (2018) Before Yellowstone: Native American Archaeology in the National Park
Excerpts from Black (2012). Empire of Shadows: The Epic Story of Yellowstone
Learning on/with Indigenous Lands
U.S. Department of Arts and Culture Honor Native Land Guide
Buffalo/Bison Conservation and Restoration
The Path Back short video at
National Park Service (2020). Bison Conservation Update
Multiple Days
IEFA Implementation Framework (excerpts to review each evening)
Montana Tribes website
Maps and Artwork (including current USGS and NPS maps; ArcGIS story maps; topographic maps; YNP buffalo migration maps; historical maps—including early YNP maps, buffalo extermination maps, and Indigenous maps such as Too Né’s 1805 map; artistic maps; ledger art; Buffalo Nations Food System Initiative map and resources)
Primary sources (including treaties, historical accounts, winter counts, oral histories, artwork, photography, etc.)
Excerpts and images (pp. 101-123) from Blu Barnd (2017). Native Space: Geographic Strategies to Unsettle Settler Colonialism
Day 1
During Dinner: View and Discuss Film (27 minutes) Before there were Parks: Yellowstone and Glacier through Native Eyes
Day 2: Historical and Geographic Literacy
Historical Treaties and Maps, including the Fort Laramie Treaties and various maps of the region
Example Lesson: Montana Historical Society Winter Count Lesson
Example Lessons and Educators’ Resource Guide from Cajune/MT OPI (2013). Montana Tribal Histories.
IEFA (Ferguson) packet: Finding Our Roots: Indigenous Foods and the Food Sovereignty Movement in the United States
Day 3: Ecological Literacy
Example Lesson: Bison Restoration Lesson (Remote Learning Lesson)
Example Lessons from MT Teacher of the Year’s Website:
During Dinner: View and Discuss Video (29 minutes): In the Spirit of Atatice
Day 4: Political/Economic Literacy
Example Lesson from Shear, Sabzalian, & Buchanan (2018). Affirming Indigenous Sovereignty: A Civics Inquiry.
Example Lessons from Scmitke, Sabzalian, & Edmunson (2020). Teaching Critically about Lewis and Clark
Day 5: Social and Cultural Literacy
Curricular Resources to Explore while developing curriculum maps and lessons:
Tracking the Buffalo (Smithsonian Institute)
Simulation: Mission U.S. A Cheyenne Odyssey
Native Knowledge 360 Interactive Teaching Resources (National Museum of the American Indian)
Indigenous education curricular resources from various state initiatives (MT, WY, WA, OR)
Montana Team Nutrition Buffalo Harvest of the Month teacher packets
Excerpts from Ruyle, Child, & Dome (with Cummins) (2021). The School Wellness Wheel: A Framework Addressing Trauma, Culture, and Mastery to Raise Student Achievement
Resources to be reviewed during workshop activities
Transitions to place-based learning sites
Podcast Episodes (various options, including The Red Nation: Our History is the Future and American Indian Boarding Schools, The Henceforward: Defenders of the Water School, This Land: Various Episodes, All My Relations: Food Sovereignty, Point of Origin: Indigenous Foodways)
Before start of Day 2
Sobo, Lambert, & Lambert (2021). Land acknowledgements meant to honor Indigenous people too often do the opposite.
Before start of Day 3 (Choose 1)
TEK readings/resources (e.g., Berkes, Colding, & Folk; Geremia, et al., Newberry & Trujillo; NPS resources; excerpts from and reading guides for Kimmerer, 2013).
Before start of Day 4 (assigned sections only)
Before start of Day 5
Treuer (2021). Return the National Parks to the Tribes.
Before start of Day 6
Garcia, Shirley, Windchief, & San Pedro Pedagogy of Solidarity chapter
In Eagle Shield, D. Paris, R. Paris, & San Pedro (Eds.) (2020). Education in Movement Spaces: Standing Rock to Chicago Freedom Square.